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1 News/ Events/Deadline for next release of foam-extend (December 2014)

It is our pleasure to announce the upcoming release of the next foam-extend code, which should be released before the end of the year 2014. The deadline for contributions to the next foam-extend release is set to November 10th 2014 (in two months). Following the spirit of a true open source effort, we invite the community to contribute with new features and bug fixes. The procedure for contributors can be found at:

Date: 2014/09/15 Location: Worldwide

2 News/FEATool Multiphysics 1.8 with OpenFOAM MATLAB CFD GUI

FEATool Multiphysics 1.8 with OpenFOAM MATLAB GUI

The FEATool Multiphysics MATLAB and Octave FEM Simulation Toolbox version 1.8 is now available. In addition to being a fully integrated FEA multiphysics toolbox, and interfacing with the FEniCS FEM solver and external mesh generators such as DistMesh, GiD, Gmsh, and Triangle, the highlight of the new version is introducing a fully integrated and cross-platform OpenFOAM CFD GUI interface for MATLAB and GNU Octave.

The new OpenFOAM MATLAB CFD Toolbox interface allows one to conveniently setup both laminar and fully turbulent incompressible Navier-Stokes CFD problems all within an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI). Featuring built-in CAD tools and (STL) CAD file import, automatic mesh generation (with automatic 2D to 3D mesh conversion and extrusion for 2D problems), FEATool to OpenFOAM case file conversion, solver selection and control, as well as solution import with postprocessing and visualization. As with all the FEATool MATLAB GUI functionality, models can also be saved and exported as m-file CLI functions where custom scripting and support for all MATLAB and Octave functions and toolboxes is supported. With the added support for the popular OpenFOAM CFD solver and FEniCS, high-performance multiphysics, multi-simulation, and CFD modeling can now be all be conveniently done within a single software interface.

Please visit the FEATool Multiphysics MATLAB FEM Toolbox website for more information.

Date: 2018/05/17 Location: Hong Kong

FEATool Multiphysics is developed by Precise Simulation Ltd. which was established in 2013 and is dedicated to providing accurate, efficient, and easy to use software solutions to a wide range of mathematical modeling, multiphysics, and computer simulation needs. In close collaboration with academic high-performance computing (HPC) partners with significant knowledge and over a decade of experience in many physics based Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) fields such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM), chemical engineering, and heat transfer simulations Precise Simulation is able to offer a wide range of customized solutions.

The goal of the FEATool Multiphysics software suite is to be able to make physics based computer simulation easier and more enjoyable to learn for students in engineering, physics, and mathematics, and also simpler and more convenient to work with for both academic teachers, researchers, and corporate engineers.

3 News/FOAM-extend next release (release 3.2) - test phase deadline: June 25th

After some initial testing, the new foam-extend-3.1 code is now available here: as a release candidate for version 3.2. The next step is to test everything again thoroughly. We therefore invite the community to install the release candidate, run the test loop, and test your own cases.

Merge requests have now all been integrated in a new version of the foam-extend-3.1 nextRelease branch, which now constitutes a release candidate for version 3.2. The code will remain in the nextRelease branch until the official release. Click on History for the history of commits. The release notes will be updated during the testing period.

The next step is to test everything again thoroughly. We therefore invite the community to install the release candidate, run the test loop, and test your own cases. This should be done by June 25, after which foam-extend-3.2 is officially released and merged to the master branch.

To clone a fresh working copy (and checkout the nextRelease branch): mkdir ~/foam cd ~/foam git clone --branch nextRelease git:// foam-extend-3.1

To migrate from a previous foam-extend-3.1 working copy: cd ~/foam cd foam-extend-3.1 git pull git checkout nextRelease Note that work has been done also in ThirdParty, so it is a good idea to make sure that all those packages are re-compiled.

The installation instructions for Ubuntu 14.04 have been updated: $WM_PROJECT_DIR/doc/buildInstructions/Ubuntu/Ubuntu_14.04 (during testing period: switch to nextRelease branch!)

Similar installation procedures as before applies for other architectures. If all required packages are installed, it is merely a matter of sourcing the etc/bashrc file: . ~/foam/foam-extend-3.1/etc/bashrc and doing: foam ./Allwmake.firstInstall

Run the testHarness, following the instructions in $WM_PROJECT_DIR/testHarness/README.txt

Report any compilation problems in this thread. Help us write installation recipes for different architectures. Report bugs in the Mantis bug-tracker:

fguibault is online now Add to fguibault's Reputation Report Post Edit/Delete Message

Date: 2015/06/18

The foam-extend administrators.

4 News/Improvement of the way things can be added on the Wiki-frontpage - September 2013

To help people add things to the front page of the Wiki two new things have been added

  • "Subpages" for "Learn" and "Link" that can be edited by everyone
  • Forms for News-items and Events

Date: 2013/09/10 Location: Leoben, Austria

18:50, 10 September 2013 (CEST)

5 News/OpenFOAM-extend BugTracker migrated

Because the old Mantis-bugtracker was discontinued by SourceForge it was migrated here

Date: 2014/06/19

6 News/OpenFOAM-extend fully operational again

Finally the repositories of the OpenFOAM-extend project are fully operational again.

The cause of the interuption of service there was that ANSYS objected to six files in the OpenFOAM 1.6-ext versions which they claim that they touch their intellectual property and shut down the repositories with a DMCA-notice (as a collateral damage a number of other projects was hurt). Until this matter is resolved the files are removed from the 1.6-ext (they are not essential) and all repositories carrying it.

For details see: this post on the message board

7 News/PFAU XII Meeting in Linz, March 15th 2016

The next version of PFAU will take place in Linz, in the "Wissensturm" (close to the Main Station), on Tuesday, March 15th, 2016. The meeting starts at 1.00 p.m.

For details go to: PFAU_XII_Austrian_User_Meeting

Date: 2016/03/15 Location: Linz, Wissensturm (Stadtbibliothek).

8 News/PFAU18 graz: July 3rd 2019 (Austrian User Meeting)

PFAU18 graz: July 3rd 2019 (Austrian User Meeting)

The OpenFOAM Austrian User Meeting "PFAU18_graz" is scheduled for Wednesday, July 3, 2019 (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.)

Date: 2019/07/03 Location: Institute of Process and Particle Engineering Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse 13/HS i8

Abstract submission and registration is now closed. For the program, please follow this link:

9 News/Release 2.2.2 of OpenFOAM

The OpenFOAM Foundation released version 2.2.2 of OpenFOAM.

Date: 2013/10/14

10 News/Release 2.3.0 of OpenFOAM

The OpenFOAM Foundation released version 2.3.0 of OpenFOAM.

Date: 2014/02/17

11 News/Release 2.4.0 of OpenFOAM

OpenFOAM Foundation has released OpenFOAM 2.4.0 - Release notes for version 2.4.0

Note: The version numbering has changed, with the adoption of the Semantic Versioning specification. This means that 2.4.0 was originally meant to be identified as 2.3.2. This version number change was proposed on this bug report.

Date: 2015/05/22

-- Wyldckat (talk) 15:54, 24 May 2015 (CEST)

12 News/Release of foam-extend 3.2

Foam-extend-3.2 is now released !

It is our pleasure to announce the release of the foam-extend-3.2 code.

The code is available here:

Descriptions are available here:

A simpler URL brings also brings you directly to the foam-extend-project:

The release notes are available here: (In $WM_PROJECT_DIR/ReleaseNotes.txt)

The complete source code is available from the sourceforge git repository and can be obtained as follows:

   git clone foam-extend-3.2
   cd foam-extend-3.2
   git checkout v3.2


   git clone --branch v3.2 foam-extend-3.2

Installation instructions can be found here: (In $WM_PROJECT_DIR/doc/buildInstructions)

Report installation problems. See BUG REPORTS below. Contribute with additional build instructions. See BUG REPORTS below. Run the testHarness, following the instructions in $WM_PROJECT_DIR/testHarness/README.txt. Report fails, including URL to test results. See BUG REPORTS below.

The foam-extend workflow: The master branch is updated with bug fixes, but no new features: "stable". The nextRelease branch is updated both with bug fixes and new features: "semi-stable". The installation instructions are for the master branch.

You are encouraged to continuously contribute to the nextRelease branch according to the instructions at:

BUG REPORTS: Report bugs in the bug-tracker: Give an URL to testHarness fails, if applicable. Paste a patch for small bug fixes or feature additions (see

The foam-extend administrators.

Date: 2015/09/17

13 News/Tutorial Wiki and Relation To This Site

At the 4th ESI-OpenFOAM Conference a Wiki with tutorials was presented. This is not seen as a competition to this site.

See the full article for details

Date: 2016/10/12 Location: Cologne, Germany

--Bgschaid (talk) 15:04, 22 October 2016 (CEST)

14 News/Update of Wiki-Software and new look

The software of the Wiki has been updated. During the update the basic skin of the Wiki was redone and the landing page got a slight overhaul. It should now be usable on mobile devices,

See full article for technical details

15 News/Wiki-Software updated 19July 2013

The software of the Wiki has been updated to the latest version. Operations should be as normal except for these new features:

  • User account creation has been modified due to excessive user creation by spambots. To create a user you have to provide an Email-adress to which a confirmation mail will be sent. The account will be approved by a human (this may take a couple of days, sorry). If you don't get a confirmation mail or an account approvement, please contact me
  • The Talk-pages (like the one about the main page here) now have the possibility to have threaded discussions. For for instructions click here. Threads also can be added to regular pages. This is in no way meant to replace MessageBoard but should allow people to discuss the content of the Wiki-page in question or the software on that page.
  • The Twitter-widget currently does not work (presumably due to an API-change by Twitter). This is not considered a feature and is being worked on.

Should you have any problems please contact me on the message board in this thread.

--Bgschaid (talk) 14:50, 19 July 2013 (CEST)

16 OpenSource CFD Conference 2010

4 November, 2010 to 5 November, 2010 in Munich, Germany, More information at

Venue: Eurostars Grand Central, Munich, Germany

This year’s Open Source CFD International Conference will build upon the considerable interest and success of those who are using, programming and deploying open source CFD solutions.

OSCIC invites authors to submit abstracts of 300-500 words, including title and author contact information and affiliation.

Abstracts are invited for a broad range of topics and should aim to highlight validated methods and breakthrough technologies. Works should demonstrate how adoption of open source CFD software is moving CAE process and business forward.

The following types of participation are all available at the event: - Written paper - Oral (slides) presentation - Poster presentation

The paper submission deadline was extended to 16th July 2010 and a submission form is provided at

17 PFAU 11 Austrian User Meeting

26 November, 2015 in Leoben, Austria

The OpenFOAM User Meeting v. 11 in Leoben is scheduled for Thursday, November 26, 2015 (9.30 a.m. - 16.30 p.m.)

It will take place at this address:

Chair for Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes
Department of Metallurgy
Metallurgiegebäude 3.OG
Seminarraum 325
University of Leoben
Franz-Josef Strasse 18
8700 Leoben Austria 

See full article for a map with directions

18 PFAU 15 Austrian User Meeting

11 December, 2017 in Leoben, Austria

The OpenFOAM User Meeting 15 in Leoben is scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2017 (9:00 a.m. - 16:30 p.m.)

It will take place at this address:

Seminarraum Eisen 
Metallurgiegebäude 2.OG
University of Leoben
Franz-Josef Strasse 18
8700 Leoben Austria 

See full article for a map with directions

For participation please contact Alexander Vakhrushev: alexander.vakhrushev at

19 Summary of the PFAU 15 Meeting

I would like to thank all participants and especially the presenters! It is always a pleasure to meet you all. Our geography now extended till Tirol! We had different topics but with common interests in the multiphase, turbulence and heat transfer modeling. The general OpenFOAM topics were presented, as well as a comparison of the modeling and the experimental work.

At the BoF session the Tutorial Collection was discussed. A possibility of the OpenFOAM Tutorial Subforum at the CFD-Online was considered. These actions will be continued.

For the authors of the tutorial materials it would be valuable to fill in the "Further Reading" section.

It was also suggested to possibly add validation cases in the Tutorial and mark them with a corresponding flag.

OpenFOAM version compatibilities are still an issue, and many user stressed that they have to keep their solver with the old releases (e.g. 2.3x) to make their code running.

It was reminded to subscribe to the Austrian User Group Mailing list to stay up-to-day with Community activities.

OpenFOAM mailing lists

Looking to see you next time!



20 Presentations

You can check the available presentations at the following link:

PFAU 15 Presentations

21 Next Meeting

Beforehand the next PFAU is planned for the summer time 2018 and will be held in Linz. Please follow the announcements.

21.1 PFAU 19 Austrian User Meeting

26 November, 2019 in Leoben, Austria

The OpenFOAM User Meeting v. 19 in Leoben is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26, 2019 (9.30 a.m. - 15.00 p.m.)

It will take place at this address:

Chair for Modelling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes
Department of Metallurgy
Metallurgiegebäude 3.OG
ISN Raum 313
University of Leoben
Franz-Josef Strasse 18
8700 Leoben Austria 

See full article for a map with directions

21.2 PFAU 5.0 Austrian User Meeting

12 November, 2012 in Linz, Austria

the OpenFOAM(R) User Group in Linz invites to the 5th meeting of the Austrian OpenFOAM(R) User Group

The meeting is planned to be very informal. There should be many (short and informal!) presentations. Everybody should at least contribute a few words on his current work.

Date: Monday, Nov. 12, 2012 from 10:00 - 16:00

Proposed schedule:

  • Introduction & Administrativa
  • Presentations
  • discussion in small groups


The venue of the meeting is the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), at the Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (Institut für Strömungslehre und Wärmeübertragung). The postal address is Altenbergerstrasse 69, 4040 Linz

The meeting will be held at room "Rep. Raum G". in the Uni-Center (Mensa), a campus map is available here

21.3 PFAU 6.0 Austrian User Meeting

24 June, 2013 in Graz, Austria

The OpenFOAM User Meeting 6.0 in Graz is scheduled for Monday, June 24, 2013 (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

It will take place at this address:

Institute for Process and Particle Engineering
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 13/III
8010 Graz Austria 

If you want to participate (either with or without a presentation) contact Stefan Radl

21.4 PFAU 7.0 Austrian User Meeting

18 November, 2013 in Leoben, Austria

The OpenFOAM User Meeting 7.0 in Leoben is scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2013 (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

It will take place at this address:

Chair for Modelling and Simulation 
   of Metallurgical Processes
Department of Metallurgy
Metallurgiegebäude 3.OG
University of Leoben
Franz-Josef Strasse 18
8700 Leoben Austria 

See full article for a map with directions

For participation please contact Alexander Vakhrushev. Please feel free to suggest your topics to present.

21.5 PFAU 8.0 Austrian User Meeting

June 16, 2014 in Vienna, Austria

The meeting of the Austrian OpenFOAM User Group "PFAU8" takes place in Vienna on June 16, 2014 (Monday) from 10:00 - 16:00. See full article for details

21.6 Release 1.7 of OpenFOAM

OpenCFD released version 1.7 of OpenFOAM. In addition to the usual source-packages binary packages for Debian/Ubuntu were released and can be downloaded here

For details see the release notes

--Bgschaid 17:55, 28 June 2010 (UTC)

21.7 Release 1.7.1 of OpenFOAM

One month after the main release, OpenCFD ships a minor update of OpenFOAM to version 1.7.1. This release fixes problems compiling OpenFOAM with gcc-4.5.0, which is the default system compiler eg. for Suse Linux 11.3.

For details and download see the release notes.

--Akidess 14:39, 27 August 2010 (CEST)

21.8 Release 2.0.0 of OpenFOAM

London, June 16,2011.

OpenCFD released version 2.0.0 of OpenFOAM. It is distributed as:

For details see the release notes. OF Version 200.png

-- Wyldckat 13:25, 18 June 2011 (CEST)

21.9 Release 2.0.1 of OpenFOAM

London, August 04,2011.

OpenCFD released version 2.0.1 of OpenFOAM. It is distributed as:

For details see the release notes. OF Version 201.png

-- Wyldckat 17:10, 6 August 2011 (CEST)

21.10 Release 2.1.0 of OpenFOAM

The OpenFOAM Foundation released version 2.1.0 of OpenFOAM. It is distributed as:

For details see the release notes.

-- Wyldckat 14:17, 31 December 2011 (CET)

21.11 Release 2.1.1 of OpenFOAM

The OpenFOAM Foundation released version 2.1.1 of OpenFOAM. It is distributed as:

For details see the release notes.

-- Wyldckat 22:38, 31 May 2012 (CEST)

21.12 Release 2.2.0 of OpenFOAM

The OpenFOAM Foundation released version 2.2.0 of OpenFOAM. It is distributed as:

For details see the release notes.

21.13 Release of Helyx-OS Beta v1.0.0 by Engys

Following the recent announcement at the 7th OpenFOAM® Workshop in Darmstadt (Germany), Engys is proud to announce the Beta release of Helyx-OS v1.0.0, a free-to-use GUI designed to work with the latest version of OpenFOAM®. The GUI is developed using Java+VTK and delivered to the public under the GNU General Public License.

The main features of Helyx-OS at present are:

  • Create and run new CFD cases from scratch in serial or parallel.
  • Native support for OPENFOAM® dictionary files (load existing cases by reading settings directly from the available project text files).
  • Control meshing utility snappyHexMesh, including geometry display and execution within the GUI.
  • Comprehensive case definition module, including controls for physical models, turbulence, boundary conditions, field initialisation and solver execution within the GUI.

For further information about the product features and download please visit

None of the OpenFOAM® related products and services offered by Engys are approved or endorsed by SGI Corp., owner of the OpenFOAM® trademark.

21.14 SGI Acquires OpenCFD Ltd

Fremont, Calif, August 15,2011.

OpenCFD has been aquired by SGI. At the same time, the OpenFOAM foundation has been created.

For details see the press release by SGI.

--Akidess 09:15, 16 August 2011 (CEST)

21.15 Second Mid Atlantic User Group Meeting

23 October, 2010 to 23 October, 2010 in Ann Arbor, MI, USA, More information here

21.16 WikiNews Added dynamic content to the front page

The front page now has dynamic content that changes automagically

--Bgschaid 11:55, 16 May 2010 (UTC)

21.17 WikiNews Installed MathJax extension

Installed an extension that uses MathJax (a JavaScript-Library) to render formulas enclosed in math-tags .

As described on the page of the extension this also adds the possibility to add references to the formulas.

Thanks to Oliver Borm for the suggestion.

As this library uses the same tags as the old mechanism for rendering math no changes to existing pages are required. Should you experience problems with existing formulas that seem to be due to the change please contact me

Update: Disabled the extension because of the problem described here (having environment variables like $HOME in the text breaks the rendering). Hints how to solve this problem are welcome. Once a fix to the problem is known the extension will be reenabled.

--Bgschaid 23:43, 12 July 2011 (CEST)

21.18 WikiNews New Design Of The Wiki April 2012

To mark this very special day I'm giving everyone interested a preview on the new design of the

The purpose of this design is it to make the Wiki appeal to a new, younger audience. Other designs that were decided against (but I'm putting these for discussion, too) were focussing more on the openSource-ascpect ( the verdict was "too geeky") and to raise interest of female researchers (for some reasons this one didn't test positive with the group in question. We think it's the colours)

The design will be made active in the next days (there are some Flash-games we still want to add)

--Bgschaid 11:22, 1 April 2012 (CEST)

21.19 WikiNews Update To The Wiki January 2012

The software basis of the Wiki has been updated. Due to a leap in the version numbers and unforseen problems with the update of the machine the Wiki runs on this resulted in a downtime of several hours.

The Wiki is now operational again and as far as I can tell everything is working as expected. If you encounter any problems please contact me. Either over the message board or be editing the discussion-page of this article (not the article itself).

There are two visible differences:

  1. the Wiki uses a different default skin (and the skin can not be changed anymore)
  1. On the bottom of each page there is the possiblity to share this page on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Usually this kind of button sends information to that service as soon as you view the page. I don't think that it is their business where you surf. Therefore sharing the page requires 2 clicks. The first click allows them to track you, the second click actually shares the page

--Bgschaid 18:29, 3 January 2012 (CET)

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