
From OpenFOAMWiki

1 Introduction

This page is dedicated to explaining how and which versions of swak4Foam to download and from where, depending on the OpenFOAM version you are using. Once you've successfully downloaded swak4Foam, go back to the instructions page you were following.

Note to those who are willing to help:

  • Feel free to update this page whenever a new version of OpenFOAM or swak4Foam is made available and you've fully tested.
  • Installation instructions should be provided according to the indications given in the main Installation/swak4Foam page.

2 OpenFOAM

This chapter refers to the official version of OpenFOAM provided by the OpenFOAM Foundation.

2.1 OpenFOAM 2.2.x

Note: The downloading steps below have been tested after swak4Foam version 0.3.0 was released.

  1. First, go into a good working folder. For example, $HOME/OpenFOAM/$USER-$WM_PROJECT_VERSION:
    mkdir -p $FOAM_RUN
  2. Now, it all comes down to where you're able to download from one of the following locations (try each one, until you're able to download it):
    1. From the main SVN repository, using the svn command:
      svn checkout svn:// swak4Foam
    2. Or from a mirror Git repository (openfoam-extend-Breeder2.0-libraries-swak4Foam), using the git command:
      git clone swak4Foam
    3. Or by downloading a snapshot in a GZipped Tarball format (tar.gz) from the same Git mirror repository, either directly in the command line:
      wget "" -O swak4Foam.tar.gz
      tar -xf swak4Foam.tar.gz
      mv openfoam-extend-Breeder2.0-libraries-swak4Foam-master swak4Foam

      Or manually:

      1. Download this file: master.tar.gz
      2. Unpack the downloaded file and move the unpacked folder "openfoam-extend-Breeder2.0-libraries-swak4Foam-master" into the folder indicated by this command:
      3. Rename the folder:
        mv openfoam-extend-Breeder2.0-libraries-swak4Foam-master swak4Foam
    4. Or by downloading a snapshot in ZIP format from the same Git mirror repository, either directly in the command line:
      wget "" -O
      mv openfoam-extend-Breeder2.0-libraries-swak4Foam-master swak4Foam

      Or manually:

      1. Download this file:
      2. Unpack the downloaded file and move the unpacked folder "openfoam-extend-Breeder2.0-libraries-swak4Foam-master" into the folder indicated by this command:
      3. Rename the folder:
        mv openfoam-extend-Breeder2.0-libraries-swak4Foam-master swak4Foam
    5. Or manually download a snapshot from the SVN interface at
      1. Go to this page: SVN snapshot request for swak4Foam 2.x series
      2. Request a snapshot on that page.
      3. Unpack the downloaded file and move the unpacked folder, into the folder indicated by this command:
      4. Rename the folder to swak4Foam.

2.2 OpenFOAM 2.3.0


2.3 OpenFOAM 2.3.x


3 Extend Project variants of OpenFOAM

This chapter refers to the variants OpenFOAM provided by the Extend Project at

3.1 OpenFOAM 1.6-ext


3.2 FOAM-Extend 3.0