1 Name
foamToGMV - Translates OpenFOAM data to GMV readable files.
2 Synopsis
3 Description
This utility needs an auxiliary dictionary file constant/conversionProperties, for which an example is provided in section File constant/conversionProperties.
-case DIR
- Execute the command on the case directory DIR. If not provided, use the current directory
- Skip the execution of the functionObjects
- Run in parallel
- Slave root directories for distributed running
- Display the help and exit
4 File constant/conversionProperties
Example for the file constant/conversionProperties:
FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; location "constant"; object conversionProperties; } startTime 0; //0.1; vector U; format ascii; //ieeei4r8 cells hex;
- The initial time instance to start with.
- Usually this is for the U field, but basically any vector field can be indicated.
- Only two choices available: ascii or ieeei4r8
- There is only one choice: hex